Tuesday, August 19, 2014

9 Google Analytics Alternatives

There have been plenty of issues with Google Analytics that have been discussed in various posts on the web, such as this post by CrazyEgg. But despite the various issues with Google Analytics, it’s a popular tool and that’s due to two things:

Firstly, it’s free (until you go past around 10 million page views per month. Then it will cost you around $150,000/year) and secondly, it’s got plenty of features that see regular development.

But what if you don’t like the idea of Google having access to all that data? Or the various issues just aren’t worth putting up with?
Then it’s time to look for an alternative.

This list of Google Analytics alternatives provides you with potential alternatives that can do what you want them to, and can fit within your budget, too.


clicky analytics 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Clicky.com

There’s something to be said for making a system incredibly straight forward and easy to use. One of the main issues that I have with Google Analytics is that I don’t find the interface all that easy to navigate around. And when that interface changes and the terminology of the menu items also changes – I have to spend time learning my way around the system again.
Clicky is incredibly easy to navigate and the system doesn’t use any flash components so it’s easy to view from a mobile. Let’s face it, most Google Analytics apps limit the functionality so much that you can’t get much more than the basics when you’re on the go.
Getting setup involves adding a snippet of code to your site, much in the same way as Google Analytics. Fortunately there are also a number of apps and plugins to make this setup process easy for you.
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • View Individual Visitor Log
  • Customizable Tracking
  • Funnel/Path Analysis
  • Goal Tracking (Pro account required: $9.99/month)
  • Split Testing (Pro account required: $9.99/month)
  • Heatmaps (Pro Plus account required: $14.99/month)
  • Uptime Monitoring (Pro Plus account required: $14.99/month)
Price: Free for 1 website and 3,000 daily page views. Premium accounts start at $9.99/month.


piwik analytics 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Piwik.com

Piwik is another easy to use analytics package, although there is a big difference here. Setup isn’t as easy as installing a snippet of code.
Unless you opt for the paid ‘Piwik Cloud’ service you will need to install the software on your server. Fortunately there is a quick 5-minute installation guide available to help you get started.Also, this software is completely open source.
The great thing about Piwik is how responsive they about bugs found in their system and how transparent they are about fixing them. Each ticket is marked off as its fixed on the change log.
  • Customizable Dashboard
  • View Detailed Log of Individual Visitors
  • Goal Tracking
  • Plugin Marketplace (free to download and will extend your functionality)
Price: Free if hosted on your own server. Piwik Cloud stars at 49€/month for up to 300,000 page views per month.


Gauges 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Get.gaug.es

This is another very affordable alternative to Google Analytics. Gauges works in a similar way, by providing you with a snippet of code (Javascript) to add to all of your pages. The idea behind Gauges is to provide the most actionable data via a simple and easy to understand interface.
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Simple to Use
  • Support for Teams (available on small and large plans)
  • 100% Flash Free Dashboard for Easy Mobile Viewing
  • API Available
Price: Packages starting at $6/month for 100,000 monthly page views and unlimited sites.


Mixpanel 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Mixpanel.com

This analytics platform stands apart. This platform focuses on events, rather than page views – which is an important difference because, in reality, a page view doesn’t tell us much.
Mixpanel is designed for businesses that sell products and/or services and comes packed with features.
  • Advanced Segmentation
  • Run Experiments & Answer Important Questions with Funnels
  • Detailed Retention Reports
  • Customer Groupings
  • Behavior Based Analytics
  • Customer Lifetime Value
  • Send Notifications to Your Customers on mobile & web
  • Support for automation
Price: Free for 25,000 data points or 1,000 profiles, paid accounts available from $150/month.


Reinvigorate 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Reinvigorate.net

Reinvigorate is a great platform from Webtrends. It is a real-time analytics package that comes fully loaded with heatmaps and is designed to be simple to use.
Setup is straight forward, much like Google Analytics, and comes with a configurable plugin for WordPress users to make it even easier. Tracking code is distributed through a CDN to help improve load times.
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Heatmaps
  • Track Registered Users with NameTags
  • Monthly, Daily, & Hourly Breakdowns
Price: Starts at $10/month for up to 500,000 pageviews/month, 3 websites and 3 users.


foxmetrics 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Foxmetrics.com

Foxmetrics is another solid alternative that focuses more on the actions and behavior of your visitors rather than individual page views. Foxmetrics is recommended more as an addition to platforms like Google Analytics and Clicky.
This is purely because the focus the data is different. Pricing is based on requests rather than page views. Requests are essentially events. So for example if a user clicks on 3 different links, downloads a file and purchases a product you would be looking at 5 requests.
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Person-Level Tracking
  • API Available
  • Unlimited Users
Price: Starts from $20/month for 100,000 requests.


KISSmetrics 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Kissmetrics.com

KISSmetrics is another event based analytics package.
As their tagline says: “Google Analytics tells you what’s happening. KISSmetrics tells you who’s behind it.”
I really like the idea behind these types of platforms because you can get to the core of exactly what your visitors are worth.
Even if they don’t make a purchase until five months or even a year in the future – you will still know who they are, how they found your site and which page variation they saw (that’s if you setup any split tests).
  • Unlimited Reports
  • Unlimited A/B Split Tests
  • Data Segmentation
  • Data Export
  • Group Contact Lists
  • 1-on-1 Consultation (Professional plan only)
  • Dedicated Metrics Specialist (Professional plan only)
Price: Starts at $150/month for up to 500,000 events each month.


Woopra analytics 637x359 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Woopra.com

Woopra has a similar focus to KISSmetrics.
Recently, Woopra has undergone a number of changes. Changes for the better. It’s about understanding behavior and getting at the metrics that matter rather than just what happened (or what’s happening).
I especially like the behavioral profile that Woopra builds for each visitor and customer as it allows you to easily see the information that’s important to you and your business.
  • Real-time Stats
  • Desktop Client or Mobile App
  • Advanced Segmentation
  • Live Chat Feature
  • Custom Tagging
  • Advanced Reporting (funnel and retention reports)
  • CRM Features
  • Support for Teams (paid plans only)
Price: Free for up to 30,000 actions/month with paid plans available from $79.95/month for up to 400,000 actions/month.

Adobe Analytics

adobe analytics 9 Google Analytics Alternatives
Image credit: Adobe.com

Adobe Analytics is pitched purely as an enterprise level service – and with the features you get access to it’s easy to see why. One of the difficulties with some systems is managing custom tags. For example,  you may want to tweak the analytics code so that you can tag registered users.
With most systems this requires altering the code. One of the great things about Adobe Analytics is that you don’t have to involve your IT team with the help of the dynamic tag management system.
  • Real-Time Analytics
  • Advanced Segmentation
  • Social Analytics
  • Video Analytics
  • Mobile Analytics
  • Dynamic Tag  Management
  • Third-Party Data Integration (e.g. Experian, Facebook, Exact Target)
Price: Contact for pricing info (in the $5,000/month range)

How to Choose The Right Analytics Package For You

The difficult part is deciding which platform to use: we all have slightly different goals, focus on slightly different metrics, have different technical requirements, and work on different budgets.
Instead of starting with a platform that may do the job, start with the goals that need to be achieved. Then, look at the set of features available:
  • Technical Requirements
  • Metrics
  • Additional Functionality (heat mapping for example)
  • Easy of Use
  • Budget
It’s well worth testing each platform and even contacting the provider for a demo, unless it’s easy enough to access a demo on your own.

Over to You

Which analytics platforms have you had the best experience with? We would love to hear more in the comments below.

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