Friday, May 1, 2015

Witherspoon, Vergara team up in female-driven 'Hot Pursuit'

Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon teams up with "Modern Family" star Sofia Vergara in "Hot Pursuit", a female-driven comedy directed, produced and led by a strong presence of women on set.

Academy Award winner Witherspoon, also one of the film's producers, plays an uptight police officer who has to protect the more outgoing widow of a drug boss, played by Colombian-born Vergara.-

"It's not just that it's better, you know? It's just that it's comfortable," Vergara said at the film's premiere on Thursday night, when asked about having more women involved in a production.

"We all were taking care of each other like 'Oh you need to sit straight because your dress is not looking good'. You know (with) things like that that (as) girls we're always like watching (out) for each other."
Witherspoon has been vocal about the empowerment of women in Hollywood. She has been quoted as saying she began her production company after she saw "six of my favorite actresses fighting over a really crappy role".

"It's an easier kind of communication working with just women," Witherspoon said at the premiere. "We have just a kind of a short hand. We think the same things are funny. It's also we just enjoy the process, it's fun.""Hot Pursuit" is scheduled for U.S. release on May 8.

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