Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Microsoft Office 2016 public preview is now available for your dogfooding pleasure

MICROSOFT has released the public preview of its forthcoming Office 2016 productivity suite, offering new features that further emphasise its commitment to cloud-based collaboration.

Among the new features are seamless desktop editing of cloud files, and the ability to edit and apply permissions to Outlook attachments without leaving Outlook.
Office 2016 Public Preview is now available
Real-time collaboration, which is already on the cloud versions of Office apps, will now be embedded in the desktop versions too, as the firm looks to challenge Google Drive.

Microsoft said in a blog post: When you and your team are working in Word 2016 and/or Office online, you’ll be able to see where other editors are working and what they are writing—all in real-time.

The big new features will come from Office's ability to pre-empt your needs, but don't panic, there's no sign of Clippy.

Rather, it will allow you to search for commands more easily and organise your inbox by automatically moving less important stuff to the bottom into a new folder called Clutter.

Excel adds in a number of analytics features, including one-click forecasting, intuitive data connecting and shaping, data modelling, easy sharing to Microsoft's cloud-based Power BI analytics sharing platform, and the creation of charts in new formats like 'sunburst' and 'waterfall'.
Excel 2016
On the server side, there's added security with data loss protection, multi-factor authentication, and information rights management.

Network improvements include Background Intelligence Transfer Service that prioritises critical traffic bandwidth, enhanced distribution management, and flexible and simplified update management.
Microsoft warned that Office 2016 remains a "work in progress" but that everything is now in place for testing.

The company explained that Office 2016 Preview is only for those who are confident in bug fixes, troubleshooting, backing up and rolling back if needs be. Those who sure perhaps should wait until 'autumn', when the full version of Office 2016 will be released.

Oddly, this release comes two months after Microsoft released a preview of its Office 2016 suite for Mac users, which brought with it support for Retina displays.

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