Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Police: Teenagers who started fatal fire 'not hardened criminals'

THE teenagers who started a fire that killed a homeless man who had taken refuge in a derelict building are not "hardened criminals" but young people "who did not think through the consequences of their actions", a police officer has said.
Detective Sergeant Adam Manley added that the case should serve as a warning that starting fires for "fun" was "reckless and irresponsible". 
Sylwester Mendzelewski, 35, was found dead following a fire at the former headquarters of Croydon Sea Cadets in Davenant Road, Waddon, on June 10, 2013.   
A 17-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy were yesterday sentenced to three years in a young offender institution for starting the blaze. 
The pair, who were 14 and 16 respectively at the time, were found guilty of manslaughter and arson following a trial at Croydon Crown Court. 
The court was told they started the fire because they were "bored". 
Det Sgt Manley, of the Met's homicide and major crime command, said the youths were not criminals but had made a terrible error of judgement. 
"This is an extremely sad case for all those involved, but more so for the family and friends of Mr Mendzelewski who have lost a loved one," he said.
"The two young people who have been sentenced today are not hardened criminals but simply two individuals who did not think through the consequences of their actions that fateful day.
"With the summer holidays now under way there will be children across London looking for things to do to keep themselves entertained. I hope that this case serves as a warning that starting fires for fun or because you are bored is reckless and irresponsible and you could be putting yourselves, your friends and others in serious danger.
"These two young people were old enough to understand the consequences associated with starting a fire of this nature, but it's only now that this has become a reality to them.
"Both have shown immense remorse but still have to live with the knowledge of what they did and the devastating impact on the lives of others."
Mr Mendzelewski had been sleeping rough in the basement of the building. He became trapped when the fire took hold. 
"He stood very little chance of surviving the blaze," said Det Sgt Manley. "I believe he took refuge at the back of the property in the hope of escaping the fire and intense smoke."
A post mortem ruled Mr Mendzelewski had died of smoke inhalation. 
The abandoned Sea Cadet Centre, which had been the location of several other fires in the past, was known to children who lived nearby as the "haunted house". 
The building was being used by a number of rough sleepers including Mr Mendzelewski. 
The boy and girl were joined by two other friends. One decided not to enter and waited outside while the others went in. 
Once inside the boy and girl set fire to paper and a sleeping bag which were on top of some tyres, while the friend filmed them on her mobile phone. The footage was later deleted. 
They left shortly afterwards. Though they were aware of smoke coming from the items they had set on fire, they claimed not to have seen any flames. They were unaware they had not been the only ones in the building. 
The fire brigade was called and, when they searched the building, they found Mr Mendzelewski's body. He had been unable to escape without passing through the main body of the fire and was pronounced dead at the scene. 
In the days that followed there was a Facebook conversation between the boy and girl who had filmed what had happened. 
The teenage girl also tweeted a friend saying "Oh my god what have I done" and "Panicking a lot right now". 
After the pair were arrested they admitted being at the "haunted house" and starting the fire. The teenage boy admitted lighting the fire "for fun" but he did not "think it would get going as much as it did". 

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