Saturday, August 23, 2014

Mojio teams up with Kiip for Internet-connected smart car that can buy you a coffee

Imagine you arrive early for work, and as you park your car, a coupon pops up on your phone rewarding you with a free coffee.

Or you’re rushing to a meeting and as you unlock your car, a message displays on your phone saying your teen has left the gas tank empty but here’s a voucher to fill up at the station down the street.

This isn’t the smart car of the future. Thanks to Vancouver ingenuity, a device is in beta testing and could be available for your car later this year.

Vancouver’s Mojio, which has created a device that can turn any car into an Internet-connected vehicle, has teamed up with Kiip, a California-based company that connects brands with customers through mobile apps and games.

Kiip is the brainchild of Vancouver’s Brian Wong, who graduated from the University of B.C. at the age of 18, has raised more than $15 million in investor funding, and has expanded his company from mobile games to categories such as fitness and music.

The result is a car that’s not just smart: it can anticipate your needs or reward you for small successes.

Mojio and Kiip, along with Telus — which powers the car connection — are among companies that have converged on Whistler this week for GROW 2014, an annual conference designed to bring Canadian innovation and startups to the attention of Silicon Valley investors.

Mojio, which combines apps with a little device that plugs into the diagnostic port in your vehicle, was demonstrated in a red Fiat at the conference.

“We are connecting cars,” said Mojio co-founder and CEO Jay Giraud. “What people don’t realize is that every car is already a smart car — we’re making use of that intelligence with apps that decipher the information.

“You already have a smart car, we’re just making it accessible to you.”

What sets Mojio apart from high-end Internet-connected entertainment systems installed by auto manufacturers is that it’s auto agnostic — it doesn’t care if your ride is a brand new Porsche or an aging Pontiac — and it delivers personalized driving information to an app on your phone whether you’re driving the family van, your summer-only sports car, a rental or any other car built after 1995.

And it’s an open platform: developers can create apps for it and consumers aren’t locked into a single manufacturer’s system.

“People want their car to be like their smart phone, without having to buy a new car,” said Giraud.

Giraud said Mojio reads more than 200 codes from a car, providing everything from diagnostics — such as how much gas is left in the tank, whether the brakes need replacing or how many seatbelts are in use — to the vehicle’s location, speed and other data.

Sometimes you’d be surprised at what your car is up to.

“I was in San Francisco recently and I had an Audi rental car,” said Giraud. “I had plugged in Mojio and all of a sudden I saw that the parking valet was taking my car out for a joyride around San Francisco.”

Giraud said more than 100 companies are developing apps for Mojio.

Mojio users will pay $169 for the device, which comes with a Telus SIM card and connects automatically to the Telus network when plugged in. The device price covers one year of Telus connectivity. After this time, Giraud said it will probably be less than $10 a month, although he suggested there could be various options, including a freemium version.

Vancouver’s Wong is among those who see the potential in reaching consumers in their vehicles.

“We realized moments aren’t just limited to a device but rather to any connected moment,” he said. “You start looking at connected devices and you realize cars potentially could be a huge source of connected moments.”

Wong said when he ran into Giraud, he discovered that Mojio was a Canadian company and that they shared some investors. By teaming up, they can offer real-time rewards and incentives to drivers.

“Let’s say you are about to run out of gas and Esso could potentially reward you,” said Wong. “It is just the beginning. We think connected devices are the new source of ‘moments’ beyond just what can happen within an app.”

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