Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Justin Bieber, Google, Rap Genius and Why This Headline Is Good SEO

2014: Rap Genius announced on Saturday that it is back in Google's search rankings. In a blog post explaining the situation, the lyrics site said, "We owe a big thanks to Google for being fair and transparent and allowing us back onto their results pages. We overstepped, and we deserved to get smacked."
The creators of Rap Genius awoke on Christmas morning to find a particularly large lump of coal in their stockings, courtesy of Google.

The search engine removed the lyrics site from its search ranks as punishment for attempting to game its algorithm through a strategy known as "growth hacking." As of Friday morning, Rap Genius still did not show up in a regular Google search (screenshot below), although its Twitter account and numerous stories detailing Google's actions did.

Screenshot of Rap Genius search
This situation shines a light on the murky world of search engine optimization, colloquially known as "SEO" or "growth hacking," and the value of search terms like "Justin Bieber." However, more importantly, it exposes the power Google has to make or break websites that rely on search traffic.

The controversy started after web entrepreneur John Marbach published a blog post that included an email from Rap Genius cofounder Mahbod Moghadam with instructions to place links to Bieber lyrics from Rap Genius in an upcoming post, regardless of the content of his work. Hyperlinks are crucial to Google's search algorithm and a cornerstone of basic SEO.

As Marbach explains, Bieber is a popular person to search on the Internet, especially with a new album (and thus new song lyrics). A post that includes some of the Rap Genius links will appear to Google's search algorithm as a great page to direct Beliebers, boosting the post's traffic and Rap Genius pages in Google's rankings.

The blog post was widely disseminated and stirred up criticism about whether Rap Genius's strategy had violated Google's webmaster guidelines, which prohibit the inclusion of hyperlinks for the sole purpose of improving search engine rankings. Google took notice and the site and removed it from its search. Rap Genius still shows up on Bing and www.rapgenius.com still loads. It just doesn't show up on Google.

Rap Genius posted a response on its blog, admitting wrongdoing and explaining its strategy. The site also pointed out that practice has become somewhat common for lyrics sites.
"We effed up, other lyrics sites are almost definitely doing worse stuff, and we’ll stop. We’d love for Google to take a closer look at the whole lyrics search landscape and see whether it can make changes that would improve lyric search results."
However the damage was done. Google removed the site from its search results. That sent Rap Genius traffic plummeting, as Digg's David Weiner shows:

That is the kind of power Google wields. But with great power comes great responsibility, and even greater government scrutiny. Google has been the subject of a Federal probe about how its search rankings work and whether the company has unfairly favored some sites over others. Rap Genius is currently a free site with no advertisements, although it received $15 million in funding in 2012 from venture capital shop Andreessen Horowitz. If Rap Genius were to eventually bring in revenue via advertising, Google would effectively have a killswitch on the site.

The sudden removal of Rap Genius took some by surprise because the company's error could be considered a rather minor violation of Google's search terms, and it's a practice that is not entirely uncommon. Google's enforcement of these practices has been taken to task recently, including a detailed post by online marketing agency Nenad SEO that highlights how some big spenders employ bloggers to embed high-value links into posts. 

Marbach told Mashable that he did not intend to target Rap Genius, but rather looked to expose a practice that has become common among websites seeking to boost Google search traffic:

"I didn't intend for it to spiral out of control like this but it certainly has. They're not the only ones that should be worried," Marbach told Mashable. "This is all completely against the rules but it's what you have to do to fight to survive because the revenue means so much for them."

Rap Genius did not immediately respond to our request for comment but has reportedly been in talks with Google to return to its search ranks, which should render this situation a historical footnote. However, other sites that pursue growth hacking strategies have been duly warned: Google giveth, and Google can taketh away.

fuente original: mashable.com 

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