Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Islamist militants 'kill reporter James Foley on video'

James Foley has been missing since he was seized in Syria in 2012

The Islamic State militant group has released a video online purporting to show the killing of a US journalist.
The journalist was identified by the militants as James Foley. He has been missing since he was seized by armed men in Syria in 2012.
The video has not been independently verified.
The White House said it was working to establish the video's authenticity, but if it was genuine, the US would be "appalled by the brutal murder".
On Facebook, Foley's family wrote: "We know that many of you are looking for confirmation or answers. Please be patient until we all have more information, and keep the Foleys in your thoughts and prayers."
Foley has reported extensively across the Middle East.
Rebel warning
In the video titled A Message to America, a man who the IS said was James Foley is shown being held by a masked militant.
The militant, who speaks with a British accent, says the journalist's death is the direct result of US bombing of IS targets in Iraq.
The US has recently carried out a number of air strikes against IS militants, who have swept through large swathes of north-western Iraq.

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