Friday, December 21, 2018

Latest news of the mobilizations of 21D and the Council of Ministers in Barcelona live

source : Nettech News

08.56 h VIDEO: La Llotja de Mar shielded before the Council of Ministers .


08.52 h The antiriot agents of the Mossos d ' Esquadra are acting to reopen the roads cut by the CDR and send messages by loudspeakers asking the concentrates to vacate. Sources of the Mossos have explained to Europa Press that they are mediating with the demonstrators and that in the majority of cases they choose to leave the roads.
Thus, they have acted for to reopen several points of the Ronda de Dalt, the B-20, and the Ronda Litoral, the B-10 : the first one has reopened completely at 8.20 am, and the second partially, with a lane of circulation in each direction. At 08.05 hours the Mossos have made announcements by public address system to empty the road to a CDR group, to re-establish traffic on the B-23 road in the south.

08.30 h Marches of the CDR in the Ronda Litoral of Barcelona. "Stand for the rights of all" and "For social justice, popular empowerment" are some of the banner slogans that lead the different CDR marches, which can be seen with yellow jackets and faces covers .

08.26 h The CDR say that they are being evicted from the B-23. "There are not enough jails for such dignity" they add on Twitter, where they are sharing numerous photographs of the actions of this 21-D, such as the head of the march on Paral.lel avenue.

08.20 h View of the police control established on Marquès de l'Argentera avenue with Paseo Picasso, which ends at Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona, ​​where the Council of Ministers will be held. PHOTO: ISABEL SERRANO

08.07 h This Friday, in addition, had called a Renfe strike . From Rodalies (Cercanías) have reported that the minimum services established are being met. Specifically, Rodalies de Catalunya will provide 66% of the service between 6 and 9:30 am, and between 5 and 8:30 pm, while during the rest of the day it will operate at 33%. The passenger mobility of Conventional and High Speed ​​Long Distance trains will be ensured with a service of 78% of the affected trains, and 65% in the case of the Avant.

08.05 h Traffic cuts in the road network of Catalonia have risen to 25 . The CDRs have started at 5 am to cut roads and between other roads the A-2 in Alcarràs (Lleida) is cut off in both directions, the B-23 in Martorell (Barcelona) in the south, the C-25 in Girona in both directions, the C-34 in Girona in both directions and the N-II in Girona in both directions. In the AP-2, the Mossos have asked the concessionaire of the toll of Soses (Lleida) the immediate lifting of the barriers to decongest the circulation, and has established an alternative step.


07.59 h The Mossos inform that a lane of traffic has been opened [RondadeDaltand traffic has been restored, although with congestion. Ronda Litoral has been reopened in both directions, the B-20 at the height of Badalona and the C-58 in the direction of Barcelona at the height of Montcada i Reixac (km. two). In this last road users and patrols have collected nails from the road.

07.53 h A march from CDR cuts Meridiana Avenue and advances towards Casa Llotja de Mar at this time, according to reports from there Isabel Serrano.

07.47 h The AP-7 is cut into three points : in L'Ampolla in both directions, in Sarrià de Ter en northbound and in Sils towards Barcelona, ​​as reported by the Catalan transit service.

07.44 h The Sants station the main one in Barcelona, ​​keeps all side accesses closed. Only one facility heavily protected by the Police can be accessed through the central and main one, where all the bins have been removed as a precautionary measure.

07.40 h The Mossos and the National Police have placed two security cordons with fences in the vicinity of Casa Llotja de Mar in Barcelona, ​​where the Council of Ministers will be held, where you can only pass with accreditation and practically at this time there are only agents and journalists, as reported by TVE.

07.36 h # 21D # 21DESBORDEMLOS # TombemElRègim #CDRenXarxa. These are the hashtags that this tense 21-D in Barcelona are moving the CDR by social networks.

07.31 h The CDR ride a barricade ] after a banner in a road cut made in B-23 . PHOTO: CDR CATALUNYA

07.25 h The CDR have warned that the Mossos have reopened some roads "without cleaning it all and with the risk involved Alert if they circulate in the Jungle. "

] 07.22 h The Catalan Traffic Service informs that the C-16 has been opened in Manresa in the direction of Barcelona.

07.18 h The Mossos have demanded that it be open the barriers at the Soses tollbooth of the AP-2 in order to decongest traffic in this area.

06.56 h In the Twitter account of the CDR different cuts have been announced at this time.

06.54 h

The Mossos also announce different cuts in the Ronda de Dalt in Barcelona

] 06.44 h Already this Thursday there were some protests in Barcelona, ​​on the occasion of the meeting between Sánchez and Torra, although without major incidents. The Mossos d'Esquadra, with the support of the National Police, shielded the events on the eve of the 21D, a day in which the Government is committed to guarantee the rights of assembly and demonstration. It was a dozen people who concentrated at the gates of the Pedralbes Palace and booed Sanchez.

06.40 h The CDR have caused the first traffic cuts in several important roads of Barcelona, ​​Girona and Tarragona at 5 in the morning. Specifically, seven routes have been cut:

  • the AP-7 motorway passing through L'Ampolla (Tarragona).
  • the C-31 in Verges (Girona).
  • the C-58 in Vacarisses ( Barcelona)
  • the C-65 in Llambilles (Girona).
  • the C-25 in Campllong (Girona).
  • the C-16 in Manresa (Barcelona).
  • the N-II in Figueres (Girona).

06.37 h This Friday the meeting of the Council of Ministers in the Casa Llotja de Mar at noon is planned between strong security measures. Several pro-independence groups had called through social networks calling for mobilization, cutting roads and disrupting communications throughout the Community.

06.30 h Good morning. Sunrise in Barcelona. 20minutos tells you everything that happens 21D in Catalonia, a day in which the Council of Ministers will take place there between strong security measures.


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from Nettech News

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