Friday, December 21, 2018

How to save on home heating without going cold

source : Nettech News

 Heating "title =" Heating "/> <p>     The regulators of the radiators allow to control the temperature without needing to be in the house.<br />     <span class= ARCHIVE

According to data collected by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), an agency attached to the Ministry for Ecological Transition, between 25% and 30% of heating needs of Spanish homes are due to heat losses that originate through the windows of the house. An unconscious waste of energy that leads to the immediate rise of the temperature at home to avoid being cold and, as highlighted by the IDAE on its website, causes an increase in energy consumption of 7% approximately each degree is increased.

Thus, winter brings with it an energy waste that not only affects the pocket the undue expense in heating generates irreversible damages in the environment that can be avoided without great economic efforts

As cold is not an option (and the recommended comfort temperature inside the house is 21ºC), it is best to make investments inside the home that ensure that heat does not escape through windows and doors . Although some of these measures require works (and a larger outlay), in the long term they are very effective measures that not only help to save month by month, they also ensure a responsible consumption with the environment and less polluting.

Good insulation

Often, through the windows and doors, some of the residual heat of the home escapes and emissions are released to the outside. It is convenient to check that there are no leaks and, if there is one, to hire a professional who is in charge of solving it, either installing a double glazing or sealing the holes with silicone.

Also, it should not be forgotten that during the day it is best to keep the blinds open to take advantage of the sunlight and warm the house. The walls must also be properly insulated, and for this, can be of great help thermal paints as they require little work and have rapid results (as long as the rest of household elements are in good condition

Regulators and timers

Technology is in favor of energy saving in the home. Thus, the timers and the current regulators allow to control the heating without having to be at home . They also serve to establish the average temperature of the home in certain periods of time so that the radiators or air conditioning can start working one hour before arriving home and that it is warm and cozy. In the same way, they are great nocturnal allies, since can be programmed to go off one hour before going to bed and thus avoid being cold or hot during the night. In these cases, the installation of regulators and timers requires a minor work that supposes a great energetic saving.

Geothermal systems

If they have any advantage the geothermal systems with heat pump is that they are capable of To reduce considerably the consumption of heating and sanitary hot water two of the aspects in which it is most wasted in the winter months. However, to enjoy this effective thermal system h a and to carry out a previous study and major reforms in the home that can suppose in the first instance an important economic outlay.

However, we must think of it as a long-term investment, since you can save up to 50% on electricity and gas bills and, in addition, at does not carry out any combustion, does not discharge CO2, being the most efficient and environmentally responsible temperature system.

Likewise, before beginning any work it is convenient to check the gas and light installations as well as studying and analyzing if the contracted power is the one needed by the home, because if it is not, you will be paying more for a service that is not needed.


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from Nettech News

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