Sunday, December 23, 2018

At least 168 dead and more than 700 injured by a tsunami in Indonesia

source : Nettech News

 Indonesia "title =" Indonesia "/> <p>     A man remains seated among the ruins of houses after the passage of a tsunami in the Strait of Sonda.<br />     <span class= EFE

At least 168 people have died and 745 have been injured in the wake of the tsunami that hit this Saturday night without triggering alarms along the coast of the Sonda Strait, between Indonesian islands from Sumatra and Java, have reported emergency equipment this Sunday.

Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesperson for the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB), also noted that there are 30 people disappeared and warned of the possibility of a second tsunami in the wake of continued activity of the Anak Krakatau volcano, at a press conference broadcast by local media.

Authorities blame a possible submarine landslide produced by the eruption of the volcano Anak Krakatau the causes of the natural disaster, which did not activate the alarms when not registering a powerful earthquake.

Of the deceased, 92 have been registered in Pandeglang and 35 in South Lampung. Hundreds of homes and buildings have been severely damaged as a result of the tsunami, which has struck the coasts surrounding the Sonda Strait.

The authorities have warned residents and tourists who are in the coastal areas along the strait that stay away from the beaches as the tsunami warning and strong waves will remain active until December 25.

"In the case of earthquakes, the possibility of a second tsunami is very small, but since this has been caused by an eruption, the scenario is different "said Rahmat Riyono, director of the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia, in another appearance before the media.

This volcano, 305 meters high, expelled magma, rocks and a plume of smoke more than half a kilometer from its summit and 25 minutes later the ol as-up to two meters high-to the coast.

The tsunami affected especially the district of Pandenglang about 100 kilometers west of Jakarta -in Java- and a vacation spot for the capital, where "many tourists" were on the beaches when it hit the giant waves, Sutopo said.

Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire an area of ​​great seismic and volcanic activity that is shaking a year for about 7,000 tremors, mostly moderate.

On September 28, an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 in the central area of ​​the island of Celebes triggered a tsunami that left 2,081 dead and more than 200,000 displaced, mostly in the town of Palu and its surroundings.

Between July 29 and August 19, a series of tremors on the tourist island of Lombok, near the island of Bali, caused 564 dead and more of 400,000 displaced people, most of them after a devastating earthquake of magnitude 6.9 on August 5.


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