Monday, August 18, 2014

Kelly Osbourne launching clothing line

Reality TV star KELLY OSBOURNE is sharing her fashion expertise with fans by launching a clothing line.

Ozzy Osbourne's daughter, who is a panellist on U.S. style series Fashion Police, has created her own collection called Stories... By Kelly Osbourne.

She is launching the range on America's Home Shopping Network (HSN) in September (14) and she has also created a website where fans can share anecdotes about places where they have worn the pieces.

Osbourne says of the project, "I believe that every time you wear something, you have a story of where you wore it, whether it be good or bad. What made me realise this was when I was going through my closet and I was like, 'Oh, I wore those shoes on stage every day when I was in Chicago,' and 'I wore that dress to my friend's funeral,' and, 'Oh my gosh, I wore that skirt on a date and it still has a stain on it from where I fell off the steps because he tried to kiss me, I didn't want to kiss him and I broke my wrist. I can't get rid of that.' Like, there are all these funny emotional attachments."

The 29 year old recently had the brand's name tattooed on the side of her head

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