Friday, August 22, 2014

How much would an ad-free Internet cost us?

Ever dream of a world where you could surf the web without any ads? According to a (pretty simplistic) study conducted by Ebuzzing, the largest online video platform in Europe, users would have to pay an annual bill of $232.24 to obtain an ad-free Internet. 

Telegraph reported that Ebuzzing calculated the expected bill by dividing the amount of money spent on digital advertising in the United Kingdom (£6.4 billion) by the total number of Internet users in the U.K.(45 million). This amount comes out to £140 which converts to $232.34 per year. That's an additional $19.36 on American Internet bills each month.

Despite this fairly cheap figure, 98% of 1,400 U.K. Internet subscribers said they would not be willing to pay more for an ad-free Internet experience. That's an eye-opening figure to anyone who previously wondered why there are so many ads on everyday websites. U.K. users are willing to deal with a bevy of ads as long as they don't have to pay more to access the content. 

An American survey would likely have similar results. These are interesting results, seeing as the creator of the Internet pop-up ad has recently apologized for creating "the original sin of the Web" and declared that advertisments are leading to the Internet's overall downfall. 

Once upon a time, Youtube had no ads but they are now commonplace on popular videos that users seem to have accepted it. So it seems that everyone hates ads on the Internet, they just like saving money more.

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